Accountants and Advisors for growing businesses

1 Mill Street Exchange – can it help your business?

What if a ten-minute conversation could lead to you landing the investment or funding you need to take your business or concept to the next level?

If your business is looking for grants or funding…

Well, there are some pots of grants and funds available for all types of business activities:

–    Proof of concept (Grants available up-to £10,000)
–    Access to finance (Finance up-to £25,000)
–    WCC Growth Fund (small capital grants £5,000-£35,000)
–    Business Start-up (12 hours of free coaching from a proven mentor)
–    Business Ready (Scale-up support for high growth tech-based companies)


The Warwickshire Recovery and Investment Fund

Who offer three pillars of support:

– Business Investment Growth – Debt finance to growing medium and larger businesses with sound prospects (£90 million)

– Local Communities and Enterprise – Smaller loans in order to support small businesses, including start-ups and social enterprises (£10 million). This will be launched in early 2022.

– Property and Infrastructure – Investment in commercial sites and premises to encourage businesses to invest in Warwickshire and create jobs. (£40 million).

How can you find out if your business is eligible for any of these grants or funding?

The Mill Street Exchange, of course. It is in The Urban Garden every Thursday, 10am-2pm. No appointment necessary, just pop down and have a chat.


Source:| 03-08-2022