Accountants and Advisors for growing businesses

Getting clear on our roles

The Pentlands Team had a very productive morning recently when they worked together with Elinor on their Roles and Responsibilities.

Pentlands carry out this work with clients regularly but it was something we had not completed for a while ourselves … a bit like the saying ‘cobblers shoes’.

Every person wrote down their current role in bullet points on portable flip charts, this involved breaking it down into headings for example Customer Care, Work Planning etc. There were no set headings allowed and as a team we all came up with a very different approach to this task, which demonstrates how we work together in real life as a team.

In the session each person then highlighted the ‘highs’ and ‘lows’ in their role and this has allowed us to look at our individual strengths, drive new processes and get clarity of our individual areas of responsibility.

The team really enjoyed the morning together ‘working on the business not in it’ afterwards we enjoyed a buffet lunch together.

Elinor recently worked with the Administration Team at Intex Projects and after the Roles and Responsibilities session Kate said:

Being guided by Elinor we were able to talk openly about our current roles in the business and clearly see any duplications of effort or responsibilities, and even change or remove some areas that either didn’t suit the skills of individuals or didn’t benefit the company. Having now implemented the new streamlined roles the team has experienced great satisfaction in developing their roles and achieving new skills, and as a company, we have delivered an increased number of projects without the need to increase the size of our team!

Kate Swinson, Intex Projects

If you are interested in carrying this out with your team then please contact Elinor.