Accountants and Advisors for growing businesses

Ladies First Awards 2025

Ladies First are a membership organisation for women looking for professional development and networking. 

They don’t have an eligibility criterion as they believe that all women regardless of status have something to offer. The only request they make is that you have aspirations and the desire to help other women.

The organisation is based on three principles which they refer to as the 3 I’s – to Inspire, to Inform and to Introduce. They hold a series of monthly events where you will either hear from an Inspirational speaker, attend an informative business skills workshop and be introduced to new people. Their aim is for our network to be an incubator for ideas and development for all women.

This year will be the sixth – and biggest Ladies First Professional Development Awards, which will highlight success stories as well as raise funds for vital cancer equipment for local hospitals.

The gongs also honour, among others, Start-up of the Year, Excellence in Technology and Innovation, Excellence in Health and Wellbeing, Charity/Community Champion, Campaign of the Year, Family Business of the Year, Business Resilience Award and Businesswoman of the Year, as well as seeing the return of the popular men’s category, Man of the Year.  

Pentlands have nominated some of our clients: 

•    Sophie Howe – (Comtec Translations Ltd)
•    Jenny Hooper (Independent Freight Solutions
•    Laura Seymour (Fish in a Bottle)
•    Sarah Cooper-Robins (Inner Leader)
•    Molly Shanahan (Forest Coffee House)

If you would like to enter yourself or someone else click here to download an application form.

The closing date for all entries is 15th March 2025 – click here to read about each category

Source:| 05-03-2025