Accountants and Advisors for growing businesses

Utility Stream help mutual client A H Spares save money and time

Pentlands client Utility Stream have helped mutual client A H Spares save money and time with their Energy renewal and commercial water.

Whilst the energy crisis of 2022/2023 has significantly eased, prices remain much higher than historic averages. Pentlands are always keen to offer cost saving advice to our clients and when it comes to all thing’s utilities, we’re always happy to refer our clients to Utility Stream.

Utility Stream are based in Warwick and have now entered their 7th year of trading; it’s fair to say they’ve navigated some challenging times in the energy industry over recent years.

In a nutshell, they take all the time and effort required to source the best available energy prices away from you leaving you to concentrate on running your business.    

Recently, we referred our client A H Spares to Utility Stream who used their expertise and established relationships to save them a significant amount against their best renewal offer presented by the incumbent energy broker.  

Even if you already have a relationship with a broker or have usually remained with the same supplier it’s always good to benchmark your offers – especially as the market remains volatile.

Utility Stream have appointed Ollie Cresswell as a Dedicated Account Manager for all of Pentlands’ clients.  Ollie lives in Stratford-upon-Avon and after graduating from Loughborough University joined Utility Stream to embark upon a career in the Energy Industry. 

Please contact Ollie directly on 01926 505143 for assistance with any aspect of your business utilities.

Also …Did you know that most businesses can also save on their Commercial Water spend?   This is because most businesses remain on a standard, default Retail tariff. Utility Stream have recently launched a sister business (Wodr) specifically to help clients with their water requirements.

In addition to the energy savings, Ollie was also able to assist A H Spares save money by fixing the Water Retailer fees in their commercial water contract.

Source:| 05-06-2024