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Warwickshire Covid-19 Mental Wellbeing & Resilience Fund 2021

The Warwickshire County Council Covid-19 Mental Wellbeing & Resilience Fund provides grant funding to organisations to support Warwickshire residents and local workforce’s mental health and wellbeing both during and through the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This one-off 12-month grant funding is aimed at community and voluntary sector organisations, parish and town councils and small to medium businesses that do not have an employee assistance programme.

Out of the 36 successful bids, Pentlands are delighted to be one of 3 applications chosen to receive this grant funding for workplace wellbeing.

Our aim is to sustain a balanced, open and supportive culture, that provides, guidance, tools and the skills to support the teams mental, emotional, and physical health positively and holistically.

This funding has enabled us to create a 12-month programme of health and wellbeing coaching and training to address mindfulness, strategies for positive mental health, building resilience, the importance of food nutrition and group workout sessions.

We are very grateful to Warwickshire County Council for their support with this funding.