Pentlands client Jackie Casey has been a consultant for over 20 years and has developed people within businesses and enhanced leadership skills, enabled fresh thinking, and changed limiting beliefs and behaviours.
Having worked across countless industries including construction and manufacturing, hospitality and retail, finance and legal, Jackie has accelerated the potential for many business leaders and their teams.
The brain is a really powerful bio-computer. Capable of creating and analysing, it provides us with the ability to think, predict, imagine, feel, create and a whole lot more. Most of the time, it does it without us even having to be conscious of what is going on, and a really useful thing that is does without us even realising, is that it filters information to match what we have imagined.
This may sound odd but when we create or imagine something in our minds, and we add lots of sensory feeling and thoughts, our brain will filter the associated external information that matches or is associated with what we have imagined. This is really useful for when you are wanting to achieve something, it can really help you maintain your drive and take the right actions towards getting what you want.
We are often triggered to consider future plans when there is a cultural “start”, such as a new calendar or financial year and it can be created at any time of the year! But a vivid vision isn’t a token gesture, or a few ideas jotted down or spoken out loud. It isn’t an obligatory action to be filed away on a computer, and nor is it something that is only visited a couple of times a year, if that.
For many people, myself included, it is a significant working document that provides a map of what you are trying to achieve. And as such, should provide a constant reminder and prompt every single day as to what you are trying to achieve for yourself and your business. A document to sense-check against before making any significant decisions.
This means that your vision isn’t set in stone. It’s a plan that is flexible and malleable to your changing desires and needs. As circumstances change in our personal and business lives, then it stands to reason that our vision will change too.
Listen to the Vision and Planning Podcast to hear how to create your vision. Available on your favourite podcast platform, here’s a couple of popular links